29 martie 2008

ImI PLac:

-dansul cu sabia
-Mircea Eliade
-marea pe furtuna
-"Duomo " din Milano
-pozele alb-negru
-Maica Tereza
-cum sclipeste praful in razele Soarelui
-rochiile q spatele gol
-povestile cu pirati
-cei care iubesc o singura data in viata
-salciile din cimitire
-lavanda,moscul ,scortisoara
-luna pliiinna
-locul unde s-a nascut bunica mea
-dantela alba
-coca de cozonac
-jocul de umbre
-day dreaming
-night whispers
-tusul negru
-Turnul din Pisa
-amr diab
-fetele in forma de inima
-umorul negru
-inelele q pietre mari
-sa filozofez
-Eduardo Palomo
-dirty dancing
-catifeaua rosie
-muzica clasica
-rastunarile de situatie
-poker-ul(mai nou :P)
-sa umblu desculta
-gentile lacuite
-vinul :D
-ploile primavara
-Evul Mediu
-focul de tabara
-sa dorm in bratele cuiva
-sa se joace cineva in parul meu
-cartile de joc
-ciocolata amaruie
-Nichita Stanescu


26 martie 2008

break ..(thrown )..

Libertatea ne-a fost data de la inceputuri ..(pomul cunoasterii binelui si raului).Dupa ce ni se taie cordonul ombilical ramanem singuri ,avem contur fiecare.Crestem si educatia pare mai mult o ingradire decat un orizont,pentru ca nu putem sa acceptam ce nu se afla in interiorul garduletului nostru(stramt).Cercuri inchise-privire monoculara.Mama isi mustra copilul care nu invata matematica temeinic ,in conditiile in care cineva ,in acelasi timp ,undeva,simte direct sub talpi pamantul -viata pulsand,incins doar la mijloc cu un brau la fel ca si puiul sau ,pe care il invata sa faca terci de insecte.Putem sa punem in paralel situatiile..nu.Ceea ce am putea face este sa nu judecam,sa nu consideram o varianta mai buna decat cealalta .Spectaculosul vietii este insasi ..ea.

2 martie 2008

...to the moon and back ....(fav song)

She's taking her time making up the reasons
To justify all the hurt inside
Guess she knows from the smiles and the look in their eyes
Everyone's got a theory about the bitter one
They're saying, "Mama never loved her much"
And, "Daddy never keeps in touch
That's why she shies away from human affection"
But somewhere in a private place
She packs her bags for outer space
And now she's waiting for the right kind of pilot to come
And she'll say to him

I would fly to the moon and back if you'll be...
If you'll be my baby
Got a ticket for a world where we belong
So would you be my baby?

She can't remember a time when she felt needed
If love was red then she was color blind
All her friends they've been tried for treason
And crimes that were never defined
She's saying, "Love is like a barren place,
And reaching out for human faith
Is like a journey I just don't have a map for"
So baby's gonna take a dive and
Push the shift to overdrive
Send a signal that she's hanging
All her hopes on the stars
What a pleasant dream

I would fly to the moon and back if you'll be...
If you'll be my baby
Got a ticket for a world where we belong
So would you be my baby?

Mama never loved her much
And, Daddy never keeps in touch
That's why she shies away from human affection
But somewhere in a private place
She packs her bags for outer space
And now she's waiting for the right kind of pilot to come
And she'll say to him

I would fly to the moon and back if you'll be...
If you'll be my baby
Got a ticket for a world where we belong
So would you be my baby?

I would fly to the moon and back if you'll be...
If you'll be my baby
Got a tïcket for a world where we belong
So would you be my baby?